A leading resource for the promotion of the Wagner Tuba, we explore its history and the composers who have enriched its repertoire.
The Wagner Tuba is one of the least well-known orchestral instruments in the world today. It merits a better understanding and an improved profile in music as a whole. This is the reason we have championed its cause since 2001. Year after year we receive increasing numbers of visitors to All are looking for useful information such as its origins, its position in the orchestra, notation and, of course, its connection to Richard Wagner.
Most of our visitors are horn players who occasionally play the Wagner tuba. Some of them are professional, some amateur and some are students of music just looking to learn more about the instrument. As the Wagner tuba is a brass instrument, we also have pages dedicated to the Brass Section. These include the instrument played primarily by most Wagner tuba enthusiasts: French Horn. We are committed to the promotion of the Wagner tuba as much now if not more than when we first launched the site in 2001. It has a fascinating history and there are some wonderful past and present composers who have enriched its repertoire. The instrument's very name is colourful yet also ambiguous. So, it comes as no surprise that it seems to cause confusion as to its true identity! This website is dedicated to bringing the instrument into the spotlight in the 21st century. We hope our readers will be encouraged to a better understanding and greater enthusiasm for this noble yet little used instrument.